We are passionate about making sure that our members are equipped with the latest resources and information on disability equity from our region and beyond.

Our Bulletin

Our members receive an email bulletin each month. Our Bulletins include:

  • Updates on our work advocating for disability equity and inclusion in Australian international development and humanitarian policies and programs,
  • New and best resources for enabling better disability inclusive development practice in your work,
  • Latest opportunities working with Organisations of People with Disabilities (OPD) and other sector opportunities,
  • Upcoming national and international conferences on disability equity and rights.

The Bulletin is emailed at the end of each month.

Sign up to become a member here.

Our resources

Explore our resources to discover more about our consortium, the work we do and learning around disability equity.

We regularly publish policy papers and papers on guidance for inclusion.


Our members are the first to be invited to events, including webinars and workshops, on advancing disability equity through our work.

See our webinar where ADDC, CBM and Disability Rights Fund co-hosted a conversation on engaging and partnering with women and people of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) with disabilities in development and human rights initiatives.

Case studies

We have gathered examples of disability-inclusive development (DID) practices by ADDC member organisations, including CBM Australia, IWDA, The Fred Hollows Foundation and the Nossal Institute for Global Health.

Learn more about DID work through this range of case studies.  If you have a case study to contribute, we would love to hear from you!

ACFID Disability Equity Community of Practice 

The Australia Council for International Development (ACFID) with ADDC and ACFID member organisations have established a new Community of Practice (CoP) on Disability Equity. The CoP will focus on good practice in disability equity and rights in organisations and international development programming. The network is open to all staff of ACFID member organisations. 

For more information and to register contact Kerryn here.

Sign up for the ADDC bulletin by becoming a member for free