Join us in promoting the rights and equity of all people with disabilities in international development initiatives and become an ADDC member. Membership is free!  

Our members are integral to who we are. Having an informed and connected membership is the foundation of our work and impact. We welcome all members of the international development sector to join us on our mission. 

As a member of ADDC: 

  • You receive our newsletter every month where you are kept up-to-date on research, reports and events on disability equity in international development work;
  • You have a voice as a member to vote for who will represent the network on the Executive Committee as well as the opportunity to be nominated and serve on the Committee yourself;
  • You will be the first to be invited to ADDC events and activities;
  • You can have your say and collaborate with us on our policy platforms that shape our advocacy work to Government;
  • You will support the realisation of rights of people with disabilities.

We invite you to become an individual member today. 

You can read more about what we are aiming to achieve and how in our strategic plan. Access our strategic plan for 2023-2026 here

Members of the ADDC Executive Committee meeting in person in March 2022. Photo credit: ADDC
Members of the ADDC Executive Committee meeting in person in March 2022. Photo credit: ADDC

Apply to be a member

"*" indicates required fields

If applicable
If applicable


There are 4 categories of membership:

Eligible to vote (with current membership form which needs to be updated every 3 years at least 2 months prior to the election)
  1. Australian resident individual members
  2. Australian organisations with an interest in disability and development
Ineligible to vote and ineligible to be nominated to join the Executive Committee
  1. International individual members (i.e. members who are not Australian residents)
  2. International organisations with an interest in disability and development
Members Code of Ethics
Members shall observe the highest standards of professional conduct and ethical behaviour in all of their activities. By upholding such standards, members enhance their own standing as disability professionals and increase public and disability sector confidence.
As the conduct of an individual member can reflect upon the wider profession of disability professionals and upon ADDC membership as a whole, the Code sets out what are deemed to be appropriate standards of professional conduct.

The Members Code of Ethics is contained within the ADDC Governance Framework.
*Note: Only Australian based members are eligible to nominate for a position on the ADDC Executive Committee and vote.